We are Springbrook. Our community is strong. We are creative; we are compassionate; we achieve amazing things every day—from the “smallest” tasks to life-changing achievements for the people we support.
Broad St - 2019
We are Springbrook. We have faced challenges before—think of any snow day! We know that the rapid development of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) is a lot to process. The situation is overwhelming. It can be particularly stressful because you care deeply for the health and welfare of the people you support, as well as for your family and friends.
Family Day 2017
We are Springbrook. We care about each other. We care about our community. We care about the people we support and their families. We are approaching this virus as a threat worthy of more than attention—it is worthy of action. Springbrook’s clinical and administrative teams are monitoring the status and spread of COVID-19 daily. Our focus is prevention—to slow the spread of the illness. We have put several protocols into place to reduce exposure, but no person can do it alone.
Larry and Kevin

We are Springbrook. We are critical to the people we support. We will be here for them during this situation because we are dedicated, flexible, and understanding. Coworkers may need each other to pick up shifts, to work in different locations, to help with childcare planning. Each of us may need these things from others. We will get through this challenge because every one of us knows that, together, this community is strong.

lil and travis
To help you sift through the excessive amount of information available, we have created a webpage with information about our Springbrook COVID-19 protocols. This site includes our organization-wide responses, what you can do for yourself, your family, and the people who we support, and links to trusted resources. Please visit the webpage regularly for the most up-to-date information.
Thank you for your continued commitment–for your dedication in these extraordinary circumstances. We value your understanding and partnership as we navigate this uncertain situation. We Are Springbrook.
PEK Signature

Patricia Kennedy

Chief Executive Officer, Springbrook

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